
kindleで無料のMicrosoft 技術書籍


無料で読める Microsoft の技術書籍

英語であれば意外と無料の書籍があるので紹介します。Windows に「Kindle for PC」をインストールしておけば PC でも見れます。


Building Cloud Apps with Microsoft Azure: Best Practices for DevOps, Data Storage, High Availability, and More (Developer Reference)

Microsoft Azure Essentials – Fundamentals of Azure

Introducing Microsoft Azure HDInsight


Office 365: Migrating and Managing Your Business in the Cloud


Microsoft System Center Introduction to Microsoft Automation Solutions

Microsoft System Center Extending Operations Manager Reporting

Microsoft System Center Troubleshooting Configuration Manager (Introducing)

Microsoft System Center Cloud Management with App Controller (Introducing)

Microsoft System Center Designing Orchestrator Runbooks (Introducing)

Microsoft System Center Optimizing Service Manager (Introducing)

Microsoft System Center Building a Virtualized Network Solution (Introducing)

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Field Experience (Introducing)

Microsoft System Center Integrated Cloud Platform (Introducing)

Introducing Microsoft System Center 2012 R2